The Overwhelming Response of Our CBD Oil

The Overwhelming Response of Our CBD Oil

From Hemp to CBD Oil After hemp harvest, we gathered all of our biomass and took it to the extraction facility. The goal was to get it processed to pure CBD, and retain a very small amount to make our own products. We thought it would be fun to be able to share some...
Hemp Harvest

Hemp Harvest

To say it all comes down to this would be an understatement. Honestly, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to farm hemp on a large scale. You need the capital and the equipment to pull it off, and most anyone can figure that part out. But what you do in the last...
How Do You Foliar Feed?

How Do You Foliar Feed?

Work smarter not harder! Sometimes it is easier said than done. But after spending 14 man hours spraying each individual plant, Albert (GMF co-owner) went to work. He’s an innovator. He will find a better way. So let me tell you about this contraption. In order...
Making Men on the Farm

Making Men on the Farm

There are many reasons we decided to farm hemp this year. Most of those reasons probably match your reasons; medicine, money…the love for the plant. But one of my motivating factors was to help make my boys men. You see, I (Dustin) have two boys; 13 and 11. They...